People coming and going on foot.
Examples for "pedestrian traffic"
Examples for "pedestrian traffic"
1Bliss was not the first pedestrian traffic fatality ever recorded anywhere, however.
2You can ride across the Common, but be careful of heavy pedestrian traffic.
3I was grateful it was too cold for much pedestrian traffic.
4The flow of afternoon pedestrian traffic rendered Smith essentially invisible.
5The shop has the benefit of a significant level of passing car and pedestrian traffic.
1Not that the police were paying much attention to the foot traffic.
2At least there was less foot traffic than in the main avenue.
3In the main corridor there was no letup in the foot traffic.
4Store space in places with lower foot traffic is getting few takers.
5Julie seemed focused on a destination and disinterested in other foot traffic.
6Auckland City business association Heart of the City monitors activity, including foot traffic.
7Lots of people already use Second Life, creating at least some foot traffic.
8They didn't see a lot of foot traffic at the best of times.
9She supposed that the path must have fairly regular foot traffic.
10Downtown was only open to foot traffic, except for recovery operations.
11It's also not highly susceptible to foot traffic wear and tear.
12It was almost noon and there was moderate foot traffic along the street.
13There was no foot traffic on Upper Highland Street, and Linda accelerated rapidly.
14Geo-fenced Instagram ads further drove foot traffic to the Bravo-sponsored activations in real-time.
15Nonetheless, many decided to shut because foot traffic was so low.
16Auckland's central business association Heart of the City monitors foot traffic in the CBD.
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